Early Morning Workouts For People Who Love Their Snooze Button

Posted by Ace Agency on Apr 10, 2016

We’ve all been there. The alarm sounds in the wee hours of the morning and you open your eyes to see running shoes and workout clothes resting neatly by your bedside. Yet instead of bounding out of bed and into your active wear, you hit the snooze button. Whether it’s the intimidation of making the trek to the gym or overall fatigue, many people succumb to the convenience of the button (sometimes several times). However, committing to a simple morning workout routine yields multiple health and wellness benefits.

Mustering the energy to rise and shine is actually more beneficial than evening workouts. Studies show that exercising first thing in the morning boosts your metabolic rate and helps keep the calorie burning process running throughout the day. Another benefit of morning workouts lies in hormone levels, which are higher upon waking up and in turn help build muscle faster. Exercise also boosts endorphins, which means early activity can elevate your mood at the beginning of the day.

Whether aiming for higher energy levels or a trimmer waistline, we’ve rounded up two easy workouts that will get your blood pumping in the morning and help defy the dreaded snooze button.

 The Three-Step Stretch and Repeat

This is a low-intensity workout that’s great for easing into a more strenuous routine later in the month. Designate a space before you go to sleep where you’ll plan to workout the following morning. Rise and find your space, then dive into this three-step, repeatable workout.

1) Lie on the floor and extend your arms and legs out as if making a snow angel. Move your legs slowly apart until you feel a comfortable stretch, and reach your arms slowly above your head. Hold for fifteen seconds.

2) While lying on the floor, bring your ankles together and prepare for a stretch sit-up. Pull your arms forward while engaging your core as you sit up, and once you’ve reached a sitting position try to touch your toes. Be mindful of your back during this process by fully engaging your core!

3) Rise to a standing position. Prepare for the “inchworm.” Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, and slowly lower yourself into a squat. Place your hands on the floor in front of you “inch” them forward until you’ve reached a push-up position. Complete five push-ups and slowly “inch” your hands back toward your feet and slowly rise into a standing position. Repeat steps 1 – 3 as needed.

Fresh Air Pick Me Up

Assuming the weather cooperates, heading for the door first thing in the morning can be the key to success. Hitting the pavement bright and early can be both peaceful and motivating, and this cardio-based workout is a great start to your day.

1) Cardio-based workouts are great for calorie burning and energy building, so start your workout with a brisk walk that will loop you back home.

2) Halfway through the walk, switch to lunges for ten steps then resume walking.

3) Once you’ve reached a brisk pace, focus on drawing your abs in toward your spine. Try to maintain this core engagement for the remainder of your walk, keeping your breath regular.

4) After completing your loop, take the time to stretch your calves, hamstrings, and arms. Keep extending your walking distance and amount of lunges as you continue to embark on “Fresh Air Pick Me Ups."

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